Artists: 資佰 (Zi Bo), 周宏斌 (Zhou Hong Bin), 姚璐 (Yao Lu)
2010/1/22 (Fri) - 2010/2/17 (Wed)
Opening Reception: 2010/1/22 (Fri), 18:00-20:00

Zen Foto is pleased to announce the group exhibition of Zi Bo, Zhou Hong Bin and Yao Lu.
Perhaps a sign of immaturity, perhaps of enthusiasm, perhaps creativity, commercialism, or freedom from tradition? For several reasons we are seeing much digital manipulation of photographic images in China.

I recently heard on good authority that the great Japanese photographer Yasuhiro Ishimoto stated that photographers who do not print their own prints in the darkroom are “inchiki”, implying they are fake or bogus. Photographers have always manipulated the image when printing in the darkroom. So if manipulation of the image in the darkroom is an essential part of the photographer's craft, why do some old school photographers turn up their noses at digital manipulation on the PC?

What's important is not what tools are used by the artist, whether camera, PC, darkroom, but how that artist uses them to affect our senses.

In this exhibition we present three examples of the genre:
Zi Bo breaks from his previous realistic style work to present two takes on famous scenes of Beijing and Shanghai.
Zhou Hong Bin shows black and white rabbits in unfamiliar environment.
Yao Lu presents a landscape that is not what it seems at first glance.

For further information, please contact :

Zen Foto Gallery (English, Chinese, Japanese)
Mark Pearson
Amanda Lo

Open hours:
Wed - Fri 12:00 - 19:00
Sat - Sun 12:00 - 17:00
(close on Mon, Tue & National Holidays)

Address: Shibuya Ibis Bldg. B1 2-17-3 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo