Restarting the blog
A lot has happened in the six months since I last posted. I'm going to take it step by step and make a brief account of what we have been doing since the summer, the new exhibition by Lin Shu, Tokyo Photo and Taiwan Photo. But first just a note on a new idea we are exploring from today.
Japanese and Chinese photographers don't find much of a market at home, so eventually will need to get known overseas for two reasons. Firstly, the market for photography is far greater in Europe and the US. Second, the works are often more highly appreciated overseas than at home. Japanese artists often complain that, only once they start to be appreciated overseas, do they get recognition at home.
To explore ways of helping artists to develop their careers overseas, we make a very small contribution by starting a casual group - Photography in English - for photographers and artists at Zen Foto Roppongi this afternoon at 2pm. All welcome to this friendly group, free session.