Han Chao “Rhapsody for my Wretched Little Universe”
Dates: 2010/11/5 - 11/21

Han Chao has gone beyond the singularity of this theme, to appeal directly to the hearts of the viewer, who is in turn strongly moved by the artist's unwavering power.
-Kotaro Iizawa (Photography Critic)
It takes courage to live a life that breaks convention, especially in a country that has persecuted those of unconventional sexual orientation.It takes courage to take photographs of the most intimate aspects of one's life. It takes courage to exhibit those photographs. Han Chao has done all three.
Where has this courage come from? From youthful exhuberance, from a desire to share his joie de vivre, from narcissism, from disregard for the consequences. Whatever the reason we are grateful, because he prompts us also to think about the soap operas of our own lives.
Han Chao embraces colour in his photographs, reflecting his own senses, his relationships and reflecting the nature of China itself. Strong colours appear on buildings, on wallpaper and on the bedspreads hung out to air.
Disarmingly he refers to this work as “Rhapsody for my Wretched Little Universe”. Is it wretched? In contemplating Han Chao's photographs we reflect on our own lives. Let us each decide whether the drama of our own life is to be wretched or glorious.
ー 飯澤耕太郎(知名日本攝影評論家)
他的勇氣從何而來?來自於他充沛的青春泉源,來自他渴望和大家分享一點他的生活之樂(譯自法文 joie de vivre),來自於他的些許自戀,來自於他所謂初生之犢不畏虎的精神。不論我們能想到的哪些原因,韓超,他提示我們,其實我們每個人的生活不也都像是一齣齣肥皂劇嗎。
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