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Japanese photographer Tsutomu Yamagata’s latest photobook “My Little Cosmos” is a complex work that came to life during the Corona pandemic. Holed up in his apartment and grappling with feelings of pessimism and depression, Yamagata noticed his reality intertwining with strange dreams from his childhood, about contorted figures, deformed bodies and dark emptiness. Surrounded by magazines, newspapers, photobooks and photographs he had taken in the past, Yamagata created pastiches to recreate these unsettling visions.

“Wrinkled lumps of flesh and parts of the human body slowly deform as they approach me; sometimes, I am left alone in a vast, pitch-dark space; animals with extremely long legs appeared from afar, and their body immediately sinks into the growing crowds of human faces and lumps of something unknown. I don’t know what these dreams mean—they make me feel a bit scared and anxious, but they are not nightmares. It must be the cosmos within me that creates and moves me.”
― from Tsutomu Yamagata’s afterword

-Book Size
257 × 370 mm
66 pages, 36 images
-Publication Year
English, Japanese
-Limited Edition

Artist Profile


Born in Tokyo in 1966. Graduated from Department of Law, Keio University. He is a member of the Japan Professional Photographers Society and the Photographic Society of Japan. His major solo exhibitions so far include “My Little Cosmos” at Zen Foto Gallery, 2024, as well as “SURVEILLANCE” at Zen Foto Gallery, 2019, “Ten Disciples” at Zen Foto Gallery, 2016 and gallery 176, 2017, “Thirteen Orphans” at Zen Foto Gallery, 2012 and Colorado Photographic Arts Center, 2013. His main publications include Thirteen Orphans (New Edition by Case Publishing & Zen Foto Gallery, 2017), Ten Disciples (Zen Foto Gallery, 2016), Thirteen Orphans (Zen Foto Gallery, 2012), and Bulgarian Rose (Private edition, 2011). Yamagata participated in the group exhibition “Pale Red Dot” at Athens Photo Festival in 2018. His works are included in the collections of University of New Mexico Art Museum, USA and Dr Bhau Daji Lad Museum, Mumbai.

Gallery Exhibitions