Gaijin Photographers' Group Meeting - GPG

The third meeting of GPG was another great evening. Thank you to all who came and contributed.

I have posted some write-ups and web links - just follow the links.

Looking forward to next time - probably in May

director ofZen Foto Gallery, Shibuya, Tokyo

James Whitlow Delano|[website]

A visit to China in December to investigate the impact of pollution. Remarkable images from Heilongjian – coal mining and PVC production and the resulting pollution. There is some sensitivity on China's part to taking photographs in this region. How far can it go on like this?

Rob Gilhooly|[website]

Rob started out with a review of the World Press Photo awards.

We even had a couple of the prizewinners in the room with us! Many congratulations to Paolo Patrizi who has picked up three prizes for his work within the past siz months.
Rob went on to show photographs from two of his series. Firstly the fascinating and very moving images from the Jukai – deep forest near Mt. Fuji that is known as a suicide destination. Rob has been there 20 times or so, and has gotten himself lost at times, including once being stranded overnight. Next he showed more moving images from Taiji dolphin hunters in Wakayama, again at some considerable personal risk.

Gianni Giosue|[website]

Gianni showed us three sets. First, a day in the life of wheelchair-bound Gholum from Kashmir. Next up was his documentary of a day walking the bridges of Srinagar, again capturing a day which ended up in the middle of a street protest against the police. Finally Gianni showed us his work on the JKSMS organization helping women and children in Jaipur. Very impressive series of work from another of the incredibly well-travelled photographers in our group.

Koga Norio|[website]

Koga-san showed us his photographs from a number of different countries. One of his themes was the strangeness of Chinese girls's relationships. Lots of potential there, I think. Another theme is the similarity of many places around the world with places in Japan. Kanagawa seemed to be very heavily featured. Keep's em coming Norio!

Shinichi Sato|[website]

Shinichi brought his images from a year spent in San Francisco. This was a popular and entertaining set, bringing nostalgic sighs from several members of the audience. He went to SF thinking of having a break from photography, but after a short while could not resist getting his large format camera out, clearly showing how awed Shinichi was during his visit.

Carlos Jurado|[website]

When does Carlos Jurado sleep? He seems to work throughout the night, especially during typhoons, it appears, clambering precariously over jagged rocks and standing waist deep in icy seas and along treacherous coastline. But the results are worth it! Beautiful and haunting photographs. Carlos also has a strange obsession with Tetrapods.

Dan Abbe|[website]

Dan writes a blog on Japanese photography and shoots for his own enjoyment. He showed images from his trip last summer around Hokkaido. Wakkanai got it's second mention of the evening! Dan's image of people in front of a fountain maybe the single most popular shot of the evening!

Daisuke Ito|[website]

Daisuke has spent much time in Cuba, Mexico and Rio.

Sorry we could not read his storage device, but the prints from the Favelas of Rio, Cuban Boxing and Mexico were very impressive indeed. Enthusiastically presented in a cocktail of languages which we by and large understood! Well done on nomination for the Sony World Photography Awards for that gritty work on Cuban boxing.


Harukichi describes himself as an amateur pho"toy"grapher. Well done for self-publishing his book of photographs using a Koller half frame camera. Most unusual camera of the night. Quite impressive image quality for a toy camera.

And th th th th that's all folks!
Thank youagain to all the above!

Next meeting:
Hopefully in a month or two..

Some hatebroccoli
some hatebacon

I hatehaving my picture taken.

Click here to viewmore photos of the event: