Following his popular High Fashion series, Pawel Jaszczuk once again explores the wilder side of Tokyo's nightlife, this time focusing his lens not on businessmen passed out on the street, but on people from Tokyo's fetish and LGBTQ communities. Instead of shooting in clubs, bars, or at parties, Jaszczuk chose to portray his subjects outside, in the immediate context of the city. Illuminated by Jaszczuk's flash, they become figures that shine against the darkness of the night, proudly revealing a hidden side of themselves before donning the costumes of Tokyo's workforce once the sun comes up.

“With Peacock Tail, Pawel Jaszczuk once again guides us through Tokyo's nightlife, capturing another rich layer of human expression and the search for identity—presented without judgment, only wonder.”
― from the publisher’s description

Artist Profile


Born in 1978, Warsaw, Poland, Paweł Jaszczuk graduated from School of Visual Arts, Sydney in 2004. After living in Australia and Japan for over a decade, he moved back to Poland in 2012 and is currently based in Warsaw.