Shortlisted in The Author's Book Award of Les Rencontre d'Arles 2023

Japanese artist DokiDoki Club is back with a second series of “de-porned” images. With the power of imagination, a black marker, humor and a touch of shamelessness, DokiDoki Club transforms soft pornographic photographs into funny and slightly less pornographic artworks. Though undeniably cheeky, DokiDoki Club’s illustrations always stay respectful and simply throw a little improvised fun into the mix. Butts serve as faces for hippopotam and horses, breasts give shape to Superman-like cats flying off to save someone or to a couple of moles taking a break from digging, and tightly packed jockstraps turn into onigiri riceballs, larger-than-life pencils and squid-shaped aliens.

Artist Profile

Dokidoki Club

Doki Doki Club is a pseudonymous Tokyo-based artist, who are creating works using various methods such as videos, photographs, and photo collages under the theme that the desire to enjoy anything leads to the earth of love and peace.

Gallery Exhibitions